Developmental Milestones
Every child is unique and develops at his/her own pace. However, there are milestones that every child should reach at the right time and in the right sequence. If you suspect a problem, contact us. While some problems resolve on their own, most problems require intensive intervention by specialists. We are experts in child development, and we can help.
Here is what your child should be able to do physically:
At 0-3 months:
Lift and turn his/her head when placed on the stomach
When on his/her back, turn head to hear or see something
Use purposeful movements, though they are large and jerky
Bring hands to mouth
At 3-6 months:
Actively move arm (reach and swipe) when sees an object of interest
Grasp object voluntarily
Play with own hands and feet
Watch/play with hands/toys at midline
Transfer toys from hand to hand
When on stomach, lift head and chest with weight on hands
Hold head upright and steady
Roll from stomach to back and back to stomach
At 6-9 months:
Use index finger to poke
Hold/play with an object in each hand
Transfer objects from hand to hand
Pivot on stomach
Pull to hands and knees
Sit without help and play with toys
At 10-12 months:
Pull to stand and cruises along furniture
Stands alone and takes several independent steps
Move in and out of various positions to explore environment and get desired toys
Maintain balance in sitting when throwing objects
Clap hands
Release objects into a container with a large opening
Use thumb and pointer finger to pick up tiny objects
At 12-18 months:
Walk alone
Begin to walk sideways and backward
Come to standing without support
Crawl up and down stairs
Pick up small objects
Stack one object on top of another
Put objects in and dump them out of containers
Pull apart objects
At 2-3 years:
Walk well, run, stop, step up, squat down, walk on tiptoes
Walk up the stairs with an alternating foot pattern with one hand on rail
Walk down the stairs with a same-step foot placement
Jump two inches off ground or over a 2-inch hurdle
Jump down from a 4-inch step
Stand on one leg for 1-3 seconds
Kick a ball 3-6 feet
Throw a ball underhand
Begin learning to catch a ball from a short distance
Stack more than one object (blocks)
String large beads
Imitate drawing horizontal lines or circular scribble
At 3-4 years:
Can run around obstacles
Can stand on one foot for 3-5 seconds
Stand on tiptoes for 3-5 seconds
Can walk in a line without stepping off
Can hop on one foot
Ride a tricycle
Can jump forward, down, and over objects with feet together
Catches a medium-sized ball
Throw a ball overhand and underhand
Can build a tower of 9 small cubes
Copy drawing of a circle
Imitate drawing a cross
Cut paper in half
At 4-6 years:
Can stand on one foot for 10 seconds
Stand on tiptoes for 8 seconds without moving feet
Hop forward on one foot for 5 hops
Walk on a line backward
Can complete a forward roll/somersault
Gallop and skip forward
Walk up and down stairs, alternating steps, without support from the wall/rail
Catch a tennis ball
Print some letters
Skip, maintaining balance and rhythm
Hop forward 20 feet without losing balance
Walk on a balance beam
Jump over hurdles 10 inches high with a two-footed take-off and landing
Jump sideways back and forth
Cut out simple shapes
Copy triangle and print his/her name
Has a mature grasp of a pencil
Handedness is well established